
Assassination attempt against Trump, Rama: Tragedy for democratic world
Prime Minister Edi Rama on Sunday condemned the shooting attack against the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America, former President Donald Trump.
PM Rama: Foreign tourists join celebrations on 16th anniversary of Berat’s UNESCO world heritage list inscription
A series of events marked the 16th anniversary of inscription of Albanian museum city of Berat on the UNESCO world heritage list in July 2008.
Albanian parliament observes minute of silence in tribute to writer Ismail Kadare
Albanian lawmakers observed a minute of silence in tribute to the literary giant Ismail Kadare, passed away on Monday at the age of 88 due to cardio-respiratory failure.
PM Rama: State funeral and public tributes in honour of Ismail Kadare
A state funeral and official mourning ceremony will take place on Wednesday in an expression of highest honour for the genius of the Albanian literature Ismail Kadare.
Budget revenue collections from excise duties up 9.4% year-on-year in January-May period
The state budget revenue collections from the excise duties were estimated at around 23.1 billion lek in the first five months of 2024, data from the Ministry of Finance showed on Sunday.
Anti-corruption commission established, Xhafaj: It’s vital and beyond party divisions, hence, regret absence of opposition
In the Assembly of Albania, there was set up on Friday the Special Parliamentary Commission “For the deepening of reforms for good governance, the rule of law and anti-corruption for Albania 2030 in the European Union”.
Towards the challenge with Italy, the Reds and Blacks start intensive training today
The Albanian national team will resume preparations this Monday for the first match of Group B in Euro 2024 against Italy, which will be played at the Dortmund stadium on June 15, at 21:00.
Rama: A segment of Elbasan-Qafë Thanë road opens
A part of the Elbasan-Qafë Thane road is already open for vehicle traffic.
ForMin Odobescu talks with Albanian counterpart about retrocession of Iorga House in Saranda
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, declared on Wednesday that she discussed with her Albanian counterpart, Igli Hasani, about supporting the European path of the country in the Western Balkans, but also about the retrocession of the Iorga House in Saranda.
Tourist season, Rama: Durrës, cleaner and with more green areas
At the start of the tourist season, the city of Durrës is cleaner and has more green areas.
Ibrahimaj: Financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises
Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate Delina Ibrahimaj received the CEO of Italian state lender Gruppo Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Dario Scannapieco and his delegation at the Business House.