Central European Midday Report: "Calls for Voter Participation and Political Changes in Moldova and Kosovo"

Central European Midday Report: "Calls for Voter Participation and Political Changes in Moldova and Kosovo"


Moldovan President Urges Citizens to Vote in European Parliament Elections

Moldovan President Igor Grosu, leader of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), has called on all Moldovan citizens, both at home and in the diaspora, who hold European passports to actively participate in the upcoming European Parliament elections from June 6-9. During a press conference, Grosu emphasized the importance of voter turnout to ensure that Moldova's voice continues to be heard in the European Parliament.

Grosu highlighted PAS's affiliation with the European People's Party and encouraged supporters to vote for candidates from the National Liberal Party (PNL). He noted the significant support Moldova has received from the European Union in recent years and expressed hope that greater participation in the elections would strengthen Moldova's direction towards European integration.

"With higher voter turnout, Moldova's message will be louder and clearer, making it easier to garner support. We aim for more representatives like Siegfried Mureșan and Adina Ioana Vălean in the European Parliament to advocate for Moldova, Romania, and Europe," Grosu stated.

In Moldova, 52 voting stations will be open for citizens holding Romanian citizenship, while those with other EU citizenships can vote at their respective embassies in Chișinău.

Kosovo's Opposition Leader Calls for Early Elections

The issue of early elections in Kosovo has resurfaced following a meeting between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi. This meeting, prompted by Kurti's invitation to opposition party leaders, was attended only by Krasniqi, as the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) declined the invitation.

Krasniqi expressed the necessity for early elections and stated that the PDK is prepared to reach an agreement with all parliamentary parties to dissolve the Assembly through a joint motion. He emphasized the need for a collaborative approach to address Kosovo's legislative agenda.

In contrast, the LDK reiterated its stance through a press release on May 14, asserting that it would not engage in any "pre-arranged agreements behind closed doors and over dinners." This statement indicates a division among opposition parties regarding the approach to early elections in Kosovo.


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