Kurti mames “Gandhi” and “Mami” as key operatives in Northern Kosovo attacks
Nemanja Radivojević, nicknamed "Gandhi," and Vladimir Radivojević, nicknamed "Mami," are two Serbs recruited by the terrorist Milan Radoičić to carry out attacks in the north, Prime Minister Albin Kurti said during a press conference, CE Report quotes Kosova Press.
But who are the two individuals the Prime Minister claimed were involved in the aggression in Banjska, Zvečan?
KosovaPress has learned that Vladimir Radivojević, known as "Mami," is considered one of Milan Radoičić's most influential and trusted associates.
He has extensive connections with Serbian politicians and various criminal groups operating in the north of the country. Radivojević is a member of the “Delije” fan group from Zvečan, an employee at MTS in North Mitrovica, and has been involved in numerous violent incidents in the region.
Nemanja Radivojević, nicknamed "Gandhi," on the other hand, was appointed by Milan Radoičić as the key operational figure for actions on the ground.
Sources from KosovaPress report that during the barricades in December 2022 in the north, he played a pivotal role in transporting and distributing weapons to his trusted associates.
Currently residing in Kopaonik, Serbia, he has consistently issued threats of violence in the north of Kosovo, even through social media platforms.
Additionally, Prime Minister Kurti stated on Tuesday that, based on intelligence information, Milan Radoičić has tasked these two close associates to organize attacks in the north using their groups.