Sea Baby drones drastically changed situation in Black Sea - Navy

Sea Baby drones drastically changed situation in Black Sea - Navy

War in Ukraine
The successful operation of Ukrainian unmanned surface vessels against enemy ships and infrastructure has drastically changed the situation in the Black Sea.

Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk said this on Ukrainian television, Ukrinform reports, citing the ArmyInform news site.

He noted that the situation at sea has changed dramatically since the large-scale invasion began, and Russian ships no longer feel free in the western and southwestern part of the Black Sea.

"In principle, to see them even south of Crimea is already a rarity. The situation has changed, the schedule has changed thanks to the work of Ukrainian naval drones in the first place," Pletenchuk said.

He stressed that the Sea Baby drone, used by Ukraine's SBU State Security Service for special operations, is capable of carrying 850 kg of explosives. At the same time, a missile from the S-300 system has a warhead of 150 kg, and such a projectile can destroy an entire section of a five-story building. At the same time, a Kalibr cruise missile has a warhead of 450 kg and can destroy a whole building.

"It is like two Kalibrs. This [Sea Baby] is a very powerful weapon," the spokesman said.


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