French Intersec to power mobile disaster warning system
The telecommunications company Telekom Slovenije will set up a public warning system to alert mobile phone users to extreme weather or natural disasters. The system will be powered by Intersec, the French company that has already set up such a system in other EU countries, including Austria and Croatia, CE Report quotes The Slovenia Times.
Intersec said its solution for alerting the public encompasses the entire procedure from the creation of alerts to their dissemination, leveraging national telecom infrastructure.
The company will deploy a user-centric interface for the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, which will give out warnings about natural and other disasters, and power its cell broadcast technology at Telekom Slovenije.
The cell broadcast system, which is already in operation in several EU countries, allows messages to be sent to several mobile phone users in a given area at the same time.
Telekom Slovenije selected Intersec due to its expertise in public warning systems and its experience within the EU, particularly in Croatia and Austria, neighbouring countries to Slovenia facing similar risks.
The Digital Transformation Ministry has picked four telecommunication operators - T-2, A1 Slovenija, Telemach Slovenija and Telekom Slovenije - to set up, maintain and manage the cell broadcast system.
The four companies will receive almost €2.6 million in total.
Telekom Slovenije, in agreement with other operators, committed to setting up the main parts of the public notification system that will be available for shared use.
Slovenia is one of the few EU countries that do not have a system of warnings in place through the mobile network, even though this has been an obligation under EU rules since 2022.